Decarbonisation via Electrification Supports Net Zero 2050 and Improves Urban Air Quality

HPF Encourages the Growth & Development of the Heat Pump Industry in the UK by:
Raising political and consumer awareness of the benefits of heat pump technologies. 98% of households already have at least one heat pump, relying for decades on heat pump technology to keep milk fresh and peas frozen.
Encouraging demanding installation standards and high quality training for the industry whilst providing a forum for information exchange, peer-to-peer engagement and the promotion of best practice.
Capitalising on the political ambition set out in the Prime Minister's 10-Point-Plan which called for 600,000 heat pump installations per annum by 2028. This ambitious target builds on the Committee on Climate Change call for the mass roll out of heat pumps, similar support from National Grid's Future Energy Scenarios and is the backdrop to the Energy White Paper of December 2020 and the proposed Future Homes Standard and interim uplift to Part L of Building Regulations.
The core objectives of the HPF are
to achieve a medium to long term policy landscape which supports electrification as the cornerstone of the decarbonisation of heating and cooling, and to build the market for heat pumps by raising consumer awareness amongst individual homeowners, private and social landlords, developers and owners of commercial buildings and heat networks.

As the carbon content of grid electricity progressively falls, the use of electric heat pumps becomes the primary route to UK decarbonisation of both heating and cooling
The benefits of heat pump deployment can be realised in many ways, using air, ground, water and waste heat as the source of energy
Until recently, government policy has not supported widespread electrification. Taxation policy has favoured fossil fuels and, as a result, heat pump technology was perceived as niche. This is set to change. The growing awareness of Climate Change amongst the public is incredibly strong. Cities, towns and villages across the country are declaring climate emergencies and there is a strengthening realisation that the burning of fossil fuels will have to end
Decarbonisation of heating, hot water and process heat will take a seismic shift in public perception because the burning of fossil fuel has become so ingrained. A core task for the HPF is to work with government and all other agencies to come up with funding packages that are accessible and affordable to all. The "Just Transition" has to be a reality where no one is excluded from enjoying the benefits of low emissions heat at the lowest operational cost